August 29, 2015

Sasquan, Exit Stage Left

Posted in Uncategorized at 3:08 pm by otherdeb

Complaints such as Meg’s ALWAYS need to be taken seriously. Writing a SWATTING off and refusing to see how it could affect the larger group is just short-sighted on the part of the concom.

Previously Unexplored

Up until a week before Sasquan, the 73rd Worldcon, I was the Events Deputy Division Head and the Co-Director of the Hugo Ceremony. Resigning was a very difficult and painful decision. I did not do so lightly. Doing so left several of my friends in the lurch, and while I don’t regret walking away, I do regret the position I put my boss Jill Eastlake, and my co-director David D’Antonio in. They were both endlessly supportive during this entire situation and have taught me a great deal about how to make Events happen for a Worldcon.

It is common knowledge at this point that Lou Antonelli wrote a letter to the Spokane PD. It is also known that he went on Sarah Hoyt’s podcast and bragged about it. While many were rightly focused on David Gerrold’s reaction, the simple fact is that he wasn’t the only person harassed and…

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